Breaking News
Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Info Post
Courtesy of RAM posing as the Tundra Taint:

 If you missed President Obama’s State of the Union address last night, you didn’t miss much – especially if you watched any of his past four State of the Union addresses. 

We heard the same recycled rhetoric, and we heard his Orwellian declaration that the cornucopia of new federal programs he proposed, as well as his intention to eradicate world poverty, wouldn’t “increase our deficit by a single dime.”

"Orwellian?" Seriously?

Palin's ghostwriter goes on to challenge essentially everything that the President said last night (Duh!), claiming:  

What is the true state of our union? Though this may sound harsh, I’ll speak the truth here. We are a country going bankrupt to fund a bloated, distant, and often corrupt federal government led by venal politicians more concerned with paying off their campaign cronies and consolidating their own power than in preserving the constitutional republic that so many have fought and died for (including our brave men and women in uniform who were barely mentioned last night). 

We are a country with an economy being stifled under the weight of a bankrupt and voracious federal machine demanding more taxes and burdensome regulations. Job creators are the ones stuck with the bill when Obama calls for “new revenue.” Their businesses bear the brunt of the nearly 87 million paperwork hours imposed by federal regulations in 2012 – annually costing them $1.75 trillion. And I haven’t even mentioned Obamacare yet, which looms like the dark cloud it is over our private sector. Is it any wonder why our economy is stagnant or why job growth is so anemic? President Obama’s “solution” to these problems is to make the federal government more intrusive, bankrupt, and controlling.

Of course the ghostwriter ignores the fact that the deficit has actually come down under President Obama and that job growth has steadily risen after George Bush (A President who Palin supported by the way), almost destroyed the country's economy.

She (I'm assuming it's a "she") also fails to understand that much of the nation's debt is due to the Bush tax cuts and the two unnecessary wars he launched, which this President is still attempting to wrestle with while providing new services that we desperately need.

The ghostwriter goes on:

Here’s the good news: President Obama is in many ways a lame duck president. None of his ridiculous ideas will come to pass via the legislative process. Of course, he may try to force them down America’s throat by imposing them through other means. But they can be undone if the right people are in position to undo them. He is very bold right now – some would say cocky – because of his November win, but there is another election around the corner, and we can check his boldness at the ballot box by electing constitutional conservatives. We must continue to affirm the fact that growing our bankrupt federal government is NOT the solution. Most of what the federal government does could be handled better on the individual, local, and state levels.

The President has every right to be cocky, he won! And virtually EVERYTHING the Republicans stood for lost. The only reason they were able to gain any seats is due to gerrymandering, because as we know, if Republicans don't cheat, they don't win.

And Palin's ghostwriter is right, there IS another election coming up, let's see how that one works out for the Republicans, shall we? If this idiot is expecting a replay of 2010 I think she is in for quite a huge disappointment, similar to the one she just felt in November.

Oh, and Palin's ghostwriter is right about another thing, there is some good news. And that good news is that Sarah Palin no longer welcome on the cable news airwaves to spit venom at our President and say ridiculous scurrilous things about him, his party, and the patriotic people of this nation who voted for him.

All she can do is have some poor underpaid hack write a rage filled, and fact free Facebook rant about his speeches, which she can then hope that somebody, anybody, will link to and give her poor decomposing corpse a little attention before it slips completely beneath the waves of irrelevance.

Well here you go, I have done that for you right here.  Happy?

Update: By the way i would be remiss if I did not point out that MOST of the rest of the country does not share this dimwit's opinion of last night's speech. This from TPM:  

The overwhelming majority of those who tuned in to the State of the Union address approved of the speech delivered by President Barack Obama, according to the findings of a snap poll that was released Wednesday. 

The automated survey, conducted Tuesday night by Democratic-leaning Public Policy Polling on behalf of the National Resources Defense Council, showed that 67 percent of those who said they watched the State of the Union approved of Obama's speech while 33 percent disapproved. Seventy-two percent of women and 62 percent of men said they approved of the address.

Do you see that 67 % Palin? That is the same 67% that will support this President's policies and who will vote against any Republican candidate who is running for election on sabotaging progress in Washington or on opposing what this President wants to do for this country.

Which is why I kind of agree with how your ghostwriter closed the Facebook rant:

So, do something. 2014 is just around the corner. Get motivated! Get organized. America, don’t retreat. In the words of yet another White House program, “Let’s move.”

Yes, let's.


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