Breaking News
Thursday, 7 February 2013

Info Post
As we know the Republican party found themselves reeling from political attacks during the 2012 election identifying them as in the pockets of big business, that they are racist, that their policies are anti-woman, and that they are a party mostly made up of wealthy old white men.

Since most of that is unquestionably accurate the Republicans were at a loss for how to make themselves seem more know more cool...less old fogey like.

So they looked around and found a brown guy, Marco Rubio. Who will now give the next Repuublican rebuttal to President Obama's State of the Union speech. See? All fixed.

After all we remember how well that last brown guy did with the rebuttal speech in 2009. (Nailed it!)

But leave it up to the folks over at Maddow Blog to find something to complain about with Rubio: 

Rubio doesn't accept climate science, thinks the age of the planet is a theological question, and opposes marriage equality. Remember the Blunt Amendment that would have empowered employers to deny birth-control coverage to their employers? It was originally known as the "Blunt-Rubio Amendment." 

Rubio is part of a shrinking fringe that opposes the Violence Against Women Act, embraces strange conspiracy theories involving gun control, and thinks George W. Bush was a "fantastic" president. 

Rubio tells teleprompter jokes while reading from teleprompters, has been caught lying about the basics of Republican budget policy, has suggested TARP recipients shouldn't have to repay bailout money, and in 2011, argued programs like Medicare and Social Security have "actually weakened us as a people."

Okay well as usual Maddow brings up some good points, but she, and her so called "research department," missed the most important truth about Marco Rubio (And the only one the GOP even cares about!), he is brown. Not very brown, but just brown enough to get those liberals in the media off their damn backs, and to hopefully get those Latinos to start voting for them!

Besides how smart can the Latino community be? Didn't most of them just crawl over the fence, and into this country, yesterday?


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